If the City of San Mateo provides your sewer utility service and you need to make an upgrade or repair to your private sewer line, you may be able to take advantage of their Grant Program.
For the residents of the City of San Mateo, the City has a Private Sewer Lateral Cost Sharing Program to help with sewer line repairs and replacement costs. The Private Sewer Lateral Cost Sharing Program is a cost-share grant program created to assist and encourage property owners to maintain their lateral. The program does not cover partial replacements, spot repairs, pothole repairs, additional street resurfacing, and CCTV and funds are limited so first come, first served until the City refunds the program. The program funds in the second half of the year and only lasts a few months before it runs out.
One of the requirements is to obtain three price quotes for the project. We hope you will include us as one of the quotes. As an A-Licesned, General Engineering, and C36 Licensed Plumbing company, we can work on your lateral on both private property and the public right-of-way as necessary to complete the project. We are also well-versed in navigating the encroach permit process and will handle that for you.
Call us at (408) 693-6018 or contact us today to provide one of the required project quotes. Please inform us that you are submitting for the San Mateo Cost Sharing Program.
Replacing a sewer line can be a costly investment in your property but being without sewer service is a major hassle. The San Mateo Cost Sharing Program is a good option if you are a resident of the City of San Mateo and you can do your project during a timeframe when the fund .